1 x 25kg bag = £82.50
Suffering with silage or TMR heating? Then you need Coolbite! Improving the aerobic stability of total mixed rations is fundamental to improving the efficiency of a farm by providing highly palatable forage to cows to optimise intakes.
What is Coolbite?
Coolbite is a blend of propionic acid and its salts that has been developed to prevent heating and spoilage in animal feeds, including total mixed rations and forages.
It is effective at preserving the nutritional value of feeds by preventing mould proliferation (growth). As a consequence of moulds not proliferating, production of unpalatable ‘end products’ are prevented and further development of mycotoxins are avoided. By preventing spoilage in this way, intakes are enhanced and feed waste is reduced.
How do I feed it?
Coolbite is available in powder form and is supplied in 25kg bags for easy handling and incorporation into feedstuffs. Coolbite can be mixed into rations at the time of preparation (e.g. when mixing a TMR) or can be applied to feeds in storage. The recommended dosage can vary depending on the severity of the problem and the dry matter of the feed - 0.5kg per tonne
What are the benefits?
Using Coolbite on farm brings multiple benefits, including:
- Increasing the aerobic stability of TMR fed to dry cows from six hours to two days
- Increase the intake of TMR where wholecrop silage was heating and consequently causing the TMR to heat
- Prevent deterioration and spoilage at the top of the silage clamp by spreading on top of the grass before covering the clamp with plastic
- Coolbite has been successfully used in a TMR for pedigree cows at shows for three days.
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